The Golden K Kiwanis is a service club dedicated to serving the children of the world.
The name Kiwanis was coined from an expression in the language of an American Indian tribe from Michigan,”Nunce Kee-wanis” which translates to “we trade” or “we share our talents.” More... |
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On July 12 we were privileged to donate $6,000 to the ECC Foundation. Eric Solberg, ECC Director of Giving, accepted the check and spoke briefly about our Golden K Kiwanis Scholarship Fund. This fund provides scholarship help for student nurses in the successful ECC nursing program. It supports students with a GPA of 3.0 or greater who are studying nursing have demonstrated a financial need, have been involved with leadership of sports or clubs on campus, and are District 509 residents. This is one of many local projects supported by Kiwanis Golden K. Please stop by any Wednesday at 9:00 am in Lind Hall of Holy Trinity Church, 357 Division Street in Elgin We are carefully guarding a free half-doughnut for you!
If you want to buy Kiwanis Peanuts and support a local service club, you can order the peanuts by sending an e-mail to our club Secretary Ron Blake at [email protected]. You get 100 packs of delicious peanuts in every box, priced at $36.00 a box. We appreciate your help in these challenging times. |
On December 13th we met for a Christmas Banquet at the Legion Hall. Please see out Banquets page!
January 8th honored Dave Zeigler, owner of Ace Hardware. Dave humbly introduced himself as a local person who attended Illinois Park School, played tuba, and was on the swim team. He has served on board of Ace Hardware Corp, where he was Chairman for 6 years, and which now has 5,500 US stores plus 1,000 internationally. He explained that It all started in 1924 when five Chicago hardware stores got together to share purchasing power. Their first shared purchase, sponges, saved 50%! His local Ace Hardware stores set an awesome example for local business with their insistence on developing trusting relationships.
Big celebration for about 50 of us on July 26. We met at Pier 290 in Williams Bay, Geneva Lake, Wisconsin. Club President Lyle Wolff planned and arranged this exciting outing. Lyle is an Engineer on on the steam boat Louise, which is part of the fleet of Lake Geneva Cruise Line. Thanks, Lyle, for making this possible. Pier 290 furnished a great luncheon for the Golden K Kiwanis.